Is valine an essential nutrient for poultry feeding?
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Is valine an essential nutrient for poultry feeding?

Время публикации: 2023-04-12     Происхождение: Работает

Valine is an essential and indispensable nutrient for pigs and poultry, along with lysine, threonine, methionine and tryptophan. Since animals cannot synthesize valine, it must be ingested from the diet to meet the needs of animals, so it is an essential amino acid.

As an essential amino acid, valine is not only used for protein synthesis, but also indispensable for animal growth and reproduction. Valine can oxidize and supply energy during special physiological periods, regulate protein turnover in skeletal muscle, improve lactation performance of sows, and affect the immune response of pigs. The latest research has found that increasing the intake of valine in sows during gestation and lactation can significantly improve the growth performance of piglets, increase the milk production of sows, and reduce the weight loss of sows.

As a feed additive, the rational addition and utilization of valine in livestock production still needs further research and discussion in the following aspects:

① Improvement and efficiency enhancement of valine production process. At present, valine has reached industrial production. However, due to the limitations of the production process, the market price of valine is relatively high, which virtually increases the feed cost.

② Further study the nutritional metabolism and physiological mechanism of valine in order to provide scientific experimental basis for rational use.

③ Prove the relationship between valine, other nutrients in the diet, and hormones in animals.

④In each growth stage of livestock, the amount of valine required in the diet and its effect, as well as the concentration or level of other nutrients under the determined valine level.

Polifar Group Limited supplies feed additives for animal nutrition. Valine is one of our products, if you need other amino acid additives, welcome to inquire. Our aim is to optimize feed efficiency and economy while maintaining the animal's amino acid requirements.

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