What Is the Types for Amino Acids Included in Feed Additives? -Polifar
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What Is the Types for Amino Acids Included in Feed Additives? -Polifar

Время публикации: 2023-04-27     Происхождение: Работает

Amino acid additives are used in feed to balance or supplement the nutritional substances required for a specific production purpose. Amino acids are the basic units that make up proteins. The essence of protein nutrition is amino acid nutrition. The core of amino acid nutrition is the balance between amino acids. The amino acid balance of natural feed is poor, because the amino acid content of natural feed varies widely and varies from person to person. Therefore, amino acid additives are needed to balance or supplement the required amount for a specific production purpose.

The Role of Amino Acid Additives?

The prominent manifestations of amino acid deficiency in growing animals are:

Slow growth, or even stop growth;

depressed, lifeless;

unkempt fur;

Feather pecking occurs in poultry, pica occurs in piglets, the egg-laying ability of female poultry decreases, and the hatching rate decreases; sows are emaciated, miscarriage, and stillbirth;

The overall performance is a decrease in production capacity and an increase in feed consumption.

Types of Amino Acid Additives?

Amino acid additives mainly include lysine, methionine, threonine, valine, arginine, tryptophan, glycine and isoleucine.

L-Lysine Hcl Feed Grade

[Chemical Formula]: C6H15ClN2O2

[CAS]: 657-27-2

L-Threonine Feed Grade

[Chemical Formula]: C4H9NO3

[CAS]: 72-19-5

DL-Methionine Feed Grade

[Chemical Formula]: C5H11NO2S

[CAS]: 59-51-8

L-Valine Feed Grade

[Chemical Formula]: C5H11NO2

[CAS]: 72-18-4

L-Tryptophan Feed Grade

[Chemical Formula]: C4H9NO3

[CAS]: 73-22-3

L-Isoleucine Feed Grade

[Chemical Formula]: C6H13NO2

[CAS]: 73-32-5

L-Arginine Feed Grade

[Chemical Formula]: C6H14N4O2

[CAS]: 74-79-3

Glycine Feed Grade

[Chemical Formula]: C2H5NO2

[CAS]: 56-40-6

Application and Development of Amino Acid Additives

Amino acid is the basic unit of protein and is widely used in food, medicine, additives and cosmetics industries. As the bioengineering technology industry gradually becomes one of the main industries in the world in the 21st century, the demand for amino acids is increasing, the varieties are changing faster, and the process reforms are getting newer. As an essential amino acid additive in feed, it has been developed by leaps and bounds.

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