What are the benefits and side effects of l-threonine?
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What are the benefits and side effects of l-threonine?

Время публикации: 2021-06-23     Происхождение: Работает

Everything has two sides, so as the feed additives. The preparation process of L-Threonine has been refined, so that its production cost has been rapidly reduced, so the price has also fallen. However, this also caused some farmers to misunderstand L-Threonine crystal. What are advantages of feed grade L-Threonine? Under what circumstances it will produce negative effects? How to use it correctly? All these problems are all concerned by farmers.


Here is the content list:

l Why does L-Threonine have side effects in actual use?

l What demands of farmers can be satisfied by feed grade L-Threonine?

l How to maximize strengths and negative influence of L-Threonine?


Why does L-Threonine have side effects in actual use?

As going too far is as bad as not going far enough, excessive feeding of amino acids can cause livestock poisoning, especially in low-protein feed, L-Threonine is no exception. The lower the protein level, the stronger the toxicity of amino acids, and the toxicity appearance of various amino acids is different.

In general, when feed grade L-Threonine is clearly beyond the needs of livestock, it will cause a decrease in feed intake and production levels, or even show specific symptoms.

This poisoning reaction can be partially alleviated by adding other amino acids, but it cannot be completely eliminated. It can only be completely solved on the condition that the content of L-Threonine in the diet is reduced.


What demands of farmers can be satisfied by feed grade L-Threonine?

Under the intensive conditions of modern breeding, compared with animals with long digestive tracts, livestock that have been specifically selected and bred for several generations are more susceptible to harmful microorganisms, leading to various diseases. L-Threonine crystal not only helps them nutritionally, but also helps to solve their pathological problems.

l Balance amino acids, promote protein synthesis and deposition

Adding L-Threonine to the feed can eliminate the weight loss caused by excessive lysine and reduce the growth inhibition caused by excessive tryptophan or methionine, especially when the feed amino acid is unbalanced. After being absorbed, L-Threonine can also be converted into other amino acids, and farmers can reduce the corresponding cost.

l Increase feed intake

When using feed additives, if the feed intake of livestock is affected due to the bad taste, all perfect formula design is in vain. L-Threonine has no odor, tastes not bitter, and even a little bit sweet, so it also has a certain regulatory effect on feed intake.

l Play an immune role

L-Threonine deficiency can inhibit the production and TB lymphocytes, thereby affecting immune function. In avian immunoglobulin molecules, L-Threonine is the main restrictive amino acid. Adding L-Threonine can increase the resistance of newly born poultry antibody titer of a specific virus.

l Regulate fat metabolism

Adding L-Threonine to livestock diets has a significant effect on fat metabolism. It can promote phosphorous synthesis and fatty acid oxidation.

l Reduce diarrhea rate

Experiments have shown that feed grade L-Threonine plays an important role in maintaining the intestinal health and intestinal mucosal function of livestock, especially new born pigs, for that L-Threonine is the main component of small intestinal mucus protein, which is necessary for the synthesis of glycoproteins on small intestinal surface.


How to maximize strengths and negative influence of L-Threonine?

In actual production, excessive intake of L-Threonine by livestock may cause adverse reactions because of improper use by farmers. There are many varieties of L-Threonine compound feeds. Some are classified according to nutritional value, some are classified according to feeding objects, and some are classified according to the form of feed.

Each type of feed has its own special requirements and uses. Farmers should consult relevant experts before preparing feed. So where should you consult these professionals?

In fact, as long as you choose the right manufacturer of L-Threonine, the time and cost to solve the problem will be greatly reduced. You can select L-Threonine producers by looking at these indicators.

1. Judging from the market feedback, whether a certain L-Threonine brand has a good image, whether it is stable in business, and how long it has been on the market. Generally, the earlier the commercial time is, the more stable or trending L-Threonine brand in the market is the better business.

2. From the perspective of after-sales service of L-Threonine feed manufacturers. Choosing the feed produced by the manufacturer with good after-sales service has certain guarantee in actual operation and can achieve win-win results.

3. The price and packaging of the L-Threonine should be taken into consideration to choose feed. In the case of fierce market competition, the cheapest L-Threonine crystal material is not necessarily the best quality. On the contrary, some ingredients may not meet the standard.

4. Customers should choose the ones that are clearly printed, have a certificate with a number on the label, with detailed delivery dates, production batches, and instructions.


Farmers can choose different types of feed additives under the guidance of experts, but it is more economical and quicker to consult with feed grade L-Threonine manufacturers. Polifar Group. is a professional and enthusiastic supplier of crystal L-Threonine, always answering your livestock questions. Whether you want to cooperate with us or make a request, we always welcome you.

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